It’s That Time of the Year Again…
Ezrebeth is an old, bitter recluse who finds herself constantly invaded by her relatives during the winter holidays. Oh, and she's stuck in a time loop. That's where you come in. Investigate, interview and cross-reference as you attempt to figure out what's going on before the shadow outside your window becomes too antsy…
Dedicated to the memory of Sven Johan Borgelind (1945-2022).

- 18k+ words of family drama, light horror, witty puns and deep, resonating themes!
- 4 different characters to interview and/or interrogate as you uncover the truth behind the time loop!
- Several pieces of beautiful and unique artwork, all drawn by hand!
- Lots of easter eggs and extra in-universe lore for fans of Pitstop in Purgatory (no need to play that before this, though)!
- Mindfudgery! And lots of it!